Sunday, April 19, 2009

something up in castle macbeth

Murder! The Guards!? The Princes?! Or The Hostesses themselves?! The King Duncan has been slain in his sleep, and not a soul has a clue to whats going on. Sources say King Duncan was to drunk to stand at Macbeth's red carpet party. Lady Macbeth was seen taking Duncan to his room and not seen for a couple of hours. Some would say Macbeth took to jealousy and killed Duncan but know one can say for sure. The guards could not be questioned because of some duty in a far off region as told to us by Banquo himself. A string of lies shadows the truth from the eyes of the country, but stay tuned because we're sure to get to the bottom of this.


  1. briar,
    you are so creative and handsome.

  2. yeah what he said...except for the creative thing oh and the handsome thing. But on a lighter note you do do some pretty god work. Ha i just said do do
