Tuesday, April 14, 2009

actor and actress

Macbeth: I would choose Nicolas Caige. I would choose him because he seems to play serious roles really well. I can also seeing him being some kind of really good solider kind of like how Macbeth is in the play. I also think that he could handle the scenes good where Macbeth is regreting what he did to King Malcom.
Lady Macbeth: I would choose Ashley Scott. I would choose her because i havent seen her in a bunch of movies but the ones I have she seems to be a rough around the edges kind of girl and that what Lady Macbeth remindes me of.


  1. Nicholas Cage...gosh

  2. hey.. i was thinkin cage too.. lol. but i already told you that!! Yep! Lady Macbeth is a little rough around the edges!

  3. I don't maybe Nicholas Cage could play Macbeth but I would have not thought of him.
