Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Banquo Dead? I think Not

It has come to our attention that the great warrior that faught along Macbeth has been slayn.. He was stabbed several times in the chest, and it is believed that his son fleance might be suspected of foul play. We here at the National Reporter believe this great man has not truly bit the big one. How could a great warrior such as this man be murdered by his lowelly son? He could not. That's why we believe just like elvis in the future who we know not about Banquo is not dead; he is just hidding waiting for the right time to show himself.


  1. Although we were both late on blogging, and we might have lost some points....i still think you did a really good job blogging and such...good day my dear slugworth! I SAID GOOD DAY SLUGWORTH!!!!!

  2. Elvis in the future, huh? I though this was very good. Hey, and don't worry about the model thing. You still have the old navy spot. Haha
