Monday, March 2, 2009

Who Knows What They Want?

At this age in life, I find myself choosing my path: school, occupation, salaries, taxes BBBBLLLAAHHH! I know we are human and it's our nature to be logical beings but I don't understand the need for constant planning and organization. Can't success come from our own observation and experience? This belief following the beaten path is the best bet. Why as a species cant was just simply exist. My dream is for enlightment for mankind. It's time to slow down and enjoy day to day beauty. Be successful without letting the idea of success own you. My path should be successful just because I chose it. let's "live" a little.


  1. I like your opinions on topics like this. :) Nice blog.

  2. I honestly can't see where you are going on this blog....I would like to give you advice to cut out the fancy pants words and actually think about the subject...nice and deep, and make meaning to it. All this stuff about enlightment of makind is nice, but poorly unrealistic. The phrase, "Let's Live a Little" is also unwanted in this paragraph. Sure you are here to have fun sometimes, but there comes a point in everyones life where they have to man-up and take responsibility for their actions. For example, when you make a fair bet with a friend on a good game of pool, and you lose something of value to yourself, you shouldn't cry in your lap like a little school girl. You should learn to accept that you lost. I also have a problem with the first portion of your writing where u say you are finding the path between school, occupation, salaries, and taxes. I think you have misunderstood that you will not be choosing between these Briar. You will have to go through all of these in your life and will not be able to choose which ones you want to deal with and which ones you want to ignore. In my opinion, Briar, you have alot of growing up to do. Hopefully one day you will be a great man of strength and wisdom, but untill then you are a young child of this earth. Manhood is a great responsibility and you can't cry to aunt Pennypusher about it the rest of your life. I hope you take all of this and apply it to your life.
